Friday, December 10, 2010

Response to WikiLeaks articles

After reading Megan’s article and many others by my classmates like it, it seems that there are bunch of people out there who just don’t understand our rights.  The freedom of speech does not give one the right to shout fire in a theater.  By the same token, releasing classified documents, or even talking about the information contained in them is illegal.  Why is it illegal?  Because the definitions of classifications are about how much possible damage to the nation the information could cause if released.  Notice almost all classification levels cause damage to national security.

The WikiLeaks could have posted the troops lunch menu in Afghanistan, but if it was classified, there was a reason for it.  Knowing what the troops eat, how they acquire their food, and tracking down the food sources could tip the enemy (you know the guys who actually shoot at our troops?) to poison the rations killing off our troops.  But that’s ok, right?  I’m only talking about a lunch menu here.  It’s nothing of great of importance.  It’s not like I’m talking about some grand overall strategy of how we produce our weapons and where they are going.

Bradley Manning is a traitor and will be punished according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which is much more strict than any civilian law.  Personally, I’d like to see a good ol’ hanging, but I’d accept a firing squad.  Julian Assange could care less about actually doing something for ‘the good of the public’ and is purely in it for the attention.  I know he’s succeeded at getting that attention, but I don’t think it’s the type he’s wanting as the U.S. is currently attempting to extradite him and put him to trial.  And for the entire WikiLeaks organization, have you seen the video the ‘underground movement’ put out where they say free speech on the internet is a basic human right?  How about the media coverage of the distributed denial of service attack that they performed against PayPal shortly after releasing their video.  Sounds rather hypocritical to me.

But I’m no expert, just a guy who served his country, who had a clearance and signed a contract to keep his mouth shut about sensitive matters that could damage the nation he served.