Monday, September 20, 2010

Watch for falling Guams!

Hank Johnson, Georgia Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives, is obviously very concerned with the Marine presence in Guam.  His main concern is that the island will tip over and fall into the ocean killing thousands.  Global warming doesn't appear to help the matter.  Yes, global warming and over population are going to decimate the entire island of Guam.  But what I really can't understand is, how big is Guam really?  20, 7, 24 miles across?  Apparently, the only people who know don't share with Congressmen...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sad times for the Blue

While it may be sad times for the Democrats according to a recent poll it is just one more thing to make me smile and think "Change is good."  According to this recent poll, Republicans are going to "Rock the Vote" and get rid of the Democrats.  And for added bonus, even the Democrats polled were in favor of throwing out their current representatives.  My first thought was to wonder why everyone wanted to do a complete overhaul of the largely Democratic Congress.  As I was developing theories, the article launched into something else which solidly made my day as I started to laugh out loud.  “President Obama’s job approval hit a new low this week.”  Pure awesome.  ‘It's time for change.’

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Comment dit on Surrender?

So a best selling book in Russia about the less than hostile takeover of France should be more of a learning tool for the home of "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" to have others not infringing upon my rights as an American.  For example, a Muslim wishing to have a photo ID taken and not remove their burqa is akin to my newly founded religion where I can get a driver's license photo taken wearing my ninja costume because I believe Bruce Lee is the divine prophet of all that is holy.  We shall call it "The One Inch Punch" clan and establish cool titles for the men and make all women properties.  As the Supreme Commader of Righteousness, I call dibs on Boardwalk.

And don't just take my word for it that most of Europe is slowly morphing from a free state to scared bystanders in their own homes.  Jonathan Laurence has a wonderfully written article on subject as well.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Another Example of Dhimmitude

I read this and immediately had thoughts of the Ground Zero mosque...and how this would probably be a good first post to the blog.