Friday, October 29, 2010

Obama on the Daily Show

After scanning many channels looking for something interesting to watch, I came across one of the shows that I used to find enjoyable, "The Daily Show".  Right after I mashed the button to change the channel, I heard, "And now, the President of the United States of America."  I quickly hit the recall button expecting something funny or interesting, like a video clip.  As the channel was changing back, it occurred to me that Jon Stewart would never do that on his show; I'd have to watch the Colbert Report for any good shots like that.  As it turns out though, it was actually the President.  He came on a Comedy Central TV show and was interviewed by Jon Stewart

I remember hearing something on the radio about how Jon grilled the President and was asking all sorts of questions which had him on the defensive, so I stayed tuned and watched.  It was obvious that Jon was slightly intimidated that the actual President was sitting before him and a couple of times his questions and comments weren't presented as he intended based on the President's answer.  Overall, with one major exception, it was a rather interesting piece. 

What's the exception?  The President's 'base layer' overall for the entire government is to remove filibusters.  So absolutely nothing is said about the majority of Congress actually not even being present for most of the debates.  C-Span is required to only film a close up of the person speaking at the time and almost never does a panorama of the chambers because it would depress what few viewers they have.  My other main objection to the removal of filibusters is probably more obvious.  If we can't get our way, and they can't get their way, and no one is wanting to compromise, then we should just have a law that let's us get our way. 

At least that's what the President wants.  So apparently, we shall not actually come up with new ideas or replace those stubborn people who are unyielding to reason and compromise, we'll just put something in place to prevent filibusters and make sure that everything is pushed through as fast as possible with no delays for debate.

Yeah, retarded.  Two more years till "We Can!" "Change!" the President out...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lefties make this too easy...

After scanning countless articles looking for one that I could actually critique, I came upon this gem of a blog while performing covert recon against the opposition.  Apparently, Allison Kilkenny believes the repeated use of curse words is a rallying cry to her devoted followers and anyone who doesn't understand her gibberish or doesn't share her perspective is a "teabagger."  The majority of the article is countering a relatively neutral positioned article about Obama's recent attack against the Chamber of Commerce.  Obama and like minded hypocrites are claiming that the entire upcoming election is being financed by foriegn interests.

Obama doesn't provide a single shred of evidence to back it up and when questioned about the lack of evidence, his advisor, David Axelrod, replied, "Well, do you have any evidence that it's not"?  I suppose that means we should just toss that whole thing about 'Innocent until proven guilty' out the window.  It must be a trivial matter though, after all, it's the President who is backing these accusations.

While attempting to remain fairly neutral throughout my reading and research, I found myself repeatedly reading her article and noting that she was more upset over what Gail Collins and David Brooks were saying than she was upset over potentially false accusations with a touch libel for good measure.  And yet Gail and David said nothing more than they were dissappointed with how the President was handling the whole thing.  Her entire argument seems to be based off of the radical actions of extremists and not anything actually related to a general populace.

What little credibility Allison was keeping she just tossed out the window as I read the about the author segment where she claims to be a "radio host and political humorist".  Not only didn't I laugh, I found myself questioning the rational mental capacity of such a writer believes they make "shit*y news funny" by the use of an obscene amount of curse words and degoratory statements.

With such talented writers working their magic for the Democrats, it just makes me happy that I'm not a nut job.

Friday, October 1, 2010

2 Years in and already scared for his future

In a recent news article, Fox News reports that our Commander-in-Chief is working hard to help keep his Democratic fellows in office.  His recent outing to Des Moines, Iowa seems more like a firing squad that an a Q&A session.  The opening question threw Hope out the window or through the window with a ricochet off the sill.  While the article is clearly aimed at the Republican readers, it's hard to use any kind of clear logic to refute the statements and questions that were tossed out.  One of my Democrat friends claims, "There is no need to refute anything stated by Fox News because they don't ever report the truth."  Using this line of logic, there is no need to believe anything said by the opposite party.  This just happens to fall right in line with what most of the questioners had to be thinking when given such great lines as, Over the long term, "their future will be fine."  But it is rather hard to misread what he means by "We can't let this country fall backwards because the rest of us didn't care enough to fight."  However, I don't believe he meant it to be taken as, "All ye Republicans, get off thine derrieres and vote to save our country."  While the specific author of the article isn't cited, it does claim that the article is actually derived from Liberal news source, Associated Press.  It took 30 minutes of Googling to come up with which type of bias the AP would have but the majority of claims seem to be from overzealous right wingers claiming that the AP is filled nothing more than hate mongering Liberalists, and lies.  Mustn't forget the lies.  In my opinion, it seems like they did us all a favor with this article showcasing the President's fear for his job and those like minded socialists that need a quick kick out the door.

Read the whole news article HERE.