Friday, October 15, 2010

Lefties make this too easy...

After scanning countless articles looking for one that I could actually critique, I came upon this gem of a blog while performing covert recon against the opposition.  Apparently, Allison Kilkenny believes the repeated use of curse words is a rallying cry to her devoted followers and anyone who doesn't understand her gibberish or doesn't share her perspective is a "teabagger."  The majority of the article is countering a relatively neutral positioned article about Obama's recent attack against the Chamber of Commerce.  Obama and like minded hypocrites are claiming that the entire upcoming election is being financed by foriegn interests.

Obama doesn't provide a single shred of evidence to back it up and when questioned about the lack of evidence, his advisor, David Axelrod, replied, "Well, do you have any evidence that it's not"?  I suppose that means we should just toss that whole thing about 'Innocent until proven guilty' out the window.  It must be a trivial matter though, after all, it's the President who is backing these accusations.

While attempting to remain fairly neutral throughout my reading and research, I found myself repeatedly reading her article and noting that she was more upset over what Gail Collins and David Brooks were saying than she was upset over potentially false accusations with a touch libel for good measure.  And yet Gail and David said nothing more than they were dissappointed with how the President was handling the whole thing.  Her entire argument seems to be based off of the radical actions of extremists and not anything actually related to a general populace.

What little credibility Allison was keeping she just tossed out the window as I read the about the author segment where she claims to be a "radio host and political humorist".  Not only didn't I laugh, I found myself questioning the rational mental capacity of such a writer believes they make "shit*y news funny" by the use of an obscene amount of curse words and degoratory statements.

With such talented writers working their magic for the Democrats, it just makes me happy that I'm not a nut job.

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