Friday, November 12, 2010

Gun Control?

Controversial articles and topics get controversial replies and criticisms.  Your statement that the current gun laws in America are too lax certainly falls into both all the previously mentioned categories.  Being former military and presently civilian, it was actually no more difficult to get a weapon being in either category.  Being trained to use a variety of weapons, I can say with confidence that the weapon does not make itself dangerous.  The operator of the weapon is what makes it dangerous.\

A rifle of any caliber can be used to take any life as long as the shot is placed correctly.  More rounds fired yield better odds of one of them being deadly, but I have never seen a reason for a fully automatic weapon outside of the battlefield.  It certainly isn't required in hunting.. However, if you remove the distance needing to be covered by the weapon and carry the same power, you have a handgun.  Handguns are still tightly regulated and controlled.  Background checks, screenings, etc… are all required to purchase one.  And if you wish to legally carry one concealed, you take on infinitely greater responsibility in order to carry it as such not to mention the required training.  Don't believe me?  Take a concealed carry class just for the experience.  You'll have a whole new respect for the Castle Laws.

So basically, a rational person acting responsibly, within the law, is allowed by the bill of rights amending the constitution to bear arms; which leaves just people who aren’t rational or acting legally.  These individuals wield (with varying proficiency) any weapon they can get their hands on to commit these crimes.  As stated in various sources, yet nicely compiled here, the 10 year ban of assault weapons did not lower violent crimes.  So a trial period of 10 years yielded no substantial results that an outright ban of assault weapons lowered crime.

And Obama wants to make the ban permanent.  I’m hoping it’s voted down 8-90 again.  I say, stop the stupid people from doing stupid things like wielding an AK-47 on a school.  I'll close out this response with a link to my favorite comment written on the original article.  Though all of them I read seemed to be gems.

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